Friday, 6 September 2013

Community calls on State Politicians to take action!

Hundreds of community members endorsed a resolution calling on the NSW Government to maintain TAFE as the major provider of vocational education and training in this state, at the Friday night ‘Trivia for a Cause’.
Over 300 people attended the evening on 24 May, which was jointly sponsored by the TAFE Community Alliance and the Addison Road Community Centre. The Alliance includes community members, educationalists, students and academics, all who support TAFE and its important role in delivering quality education and training.   
Carmel Tebbutt, Opposition spokesperson for Education, spoke of TAFE’s important role in supporting communities, and in ensuring we have the skills for a productive economy.  NSW Greens education spokesperson John Kaye challenged the Government to keep funding TAFE, and not to support private providers focused on profit not education.
Trivia night participants signed hundreds of letters to NSW politicians drawing their attention to the risks the ‘Smart and Skilled’ proposed changes will bring to TAFE.  Unanimously they endorsed the resolution and committed to continuing action.
The resolution said:
 This meeting of TAFE supporters calls on the NSW State Government to:
  • Maintain TAFE NSW as the major provider of vocational education and training in this state
  • Restore funding to TAFE so that it can deliver quality education in a wide range of industry areas on all current TAFE campuses
  • Put “Smart and Skilled NSW” on hold, as a competitive training market will not lead to better quality or more accessible courses for students
  • Keep TAFE accessible by keeping TAFE fees low
  • Maintain specialist units such as Outreach, Aboriginal, Multicultural, Disabilities, Language Literacy and Numeracy, and Counselling, which provide support and education to students who may have additional learning needs
  • Resource TAFE to address the needs of all students, including those requiring  second-chance and further education, and prevent TAFE being forced into a for-profit model of operation
  • Maintain high quality educational standards with professionally qualified teachers  
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